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growth begins with
well-being begins with our minds, the seed is already there
awareness & mindfulness are the ground and coaching is the sunlight & water we need to thrive
You don't need a yoga studio or temple to meditate!
A healthier, happier, and better quality lifestyle awaits you. Get in touch today and let’s get started.

Life Coach. Meditation Lover. Gratitude Fanatic. Dessert Geek. Mom.
I’m a Mindful Life Coach who loves to empower others to be their best self with compassion, non-judgement, authenticity, & fun! My intention is to coach you to tap into your inner potential so that you can take inspired action towards your life goals and SHINE!
As a meditation teacher, I'm known for my passion, simple approach, and inspirational instructing style that embodies mental, spiritual, and physical strength. After 12+ years as a meditation practitioner, I've experienced both the numerous benefits of having a sustainable, regular practice and the challenges that come along with it.
My journey has had many twists and turns. Professionally, I have been a Biomedical Engineer turned stay-at-home Mom, turned Pastry Chef & Chocolatier, turned Restaurateur, turned Entrepreneur, turned Life-Lover! Physically & Spiritually, my life has been equally dynamic and enchanting. Every challenge and obstacle we face in life has a silver lining and a lesson to be learned and I'm here to humbly share mine with you.
After closing my Washington DC chocolate-themed restaurant of 10 years, I decided to follow another passion...personal growth, meditation & positive psychology. I believe that we are never too old to go back to school and pursue our dreams which is why I decided to study Positive Psychology and Mindfulness, and to get my Meditation Teacher Certification. Life took another slight turn when the pandemic hit and I became a Certified & Accredited Life Coach!
As we all adapt to our ever-changing worlds, we can choose to freeze or grow. We each have our own time & place to grow and when the time is right for you, I would love for us to thrive together!
Join me for a session and live the sweet life too! Btw, besides meditation, I love to talk about chocolate & pastry and sometimes you may even catch some of my sweet treats at MyndTreat...dessert geek at heart ;-)

sweet talk

happy to hear from you...
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