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personal growth & meditation 

Our sessions are now held virtually via Zoom or FaceTime in the convenience of your own space.
"If you are too busy to meditate once a day, you should be meditating twice a day!"

Why Mindful Life Coaching?

In life change is inevitable... it's the only constant we have.

We can choose to stay stuck or grow.

 It all starts with awareness

growth begins with


well-being begins with our minds, the seed is already there

awareness & mindfulness are the ground and coaching is the sunlight & water we need to thrive









Your Mind





You don't need a yoga studio or temple to meditate!


A healthier, happier, and better quality lifestyle awaits you. Get in touch today and let’s get started.


Life Coach. Meditation Lover. Gratitude Fanatic. Dessert Geek. Mom.
I’m a Mindful Life Coach who loves to empower others to be their best self with compassion, non-judgement, authenticity, & fun! My intention is to coach you to tap into your inner potential so that you can take inspired action towards your life goals and SHINE!
As a meditation teacher, I'm known for my passion, simple approach, and inspirational instructing style that embodies mental, spiritual, and physical strength. After 12+ years as a meditation practitioner, I've experienced both the numerous benefits of having a sustainable, regular practice and the challenges that come along with it.

My journey has had many twists and turns. Professionally, I have been a Biomedical Engineer turned stay-at-home Mom, turned Pastry Chef & Chocolatier, turned Restaurateur, turned Entrepreneur, turned Life-Lover! Physically & Spiritually, my life has been equally dynamic and enchanting. Every challenge and obstacle we face in life has a silver lining and a lesson to be learned and I'm here to humbly share mine with you. 

After closing my Washington DC chocolate-themed restaurant of 10 years, I decided to follow another passion...personal growth, meditation & positive psychology. I believe that we are never too old to go back to school and pursue our dreams which is why I decided to study Positive Psychology and Mindfulness, and to get my Meditation Teacher Certification. Life took another slight turn when the pandemic hit and I became a Certified & Accredited Life Coach!
As we all adapt to our ever-changing worlds, we can choose to freeze or grow. We each have our own time & place to grow and when the time is right for you, I would love for us to thrive together! 

Join me for a session and live the sweet life too! Btw, besides meditation, I love to talk about chocolate & pastry and sometimes you may even catch some of my sweet treats at MyndTreat...dessert geek at heart ;-) 


sweet talk
Heather Stuart pic_edited.jpg

"I had the absolute gift of working with Nisha during one of the most pivotal times in my self-discovery journey. I worked through so many big things (surrendering, overcoming fear, and letting go), and having Nisha by my side, supporting me, and challenging me (in the kindest way possible) was invaluable. Her warmth is unparalleled, along with her care and compassion. Nisha is an incredible human, and I could not recommend working with her MORE! She is the perfect combination of love and encouragement, always giving me the space I needed to process the journey I was on. Truly, do yourself a favor and book your time with Nisha. She's amazing!"

Heather S, CANADA


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©2020 by MyndTreat LLC, United States

All sessions are now virtual

Photos by Ayesha

JSCS Certified Life & Success Coach 2020
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